And we all
know how
it's going to end

or do we?

my videos


In the summer of 2019 I started writing and recording my first video ‘Are All Women Mentally Insane’, as a reaction to both my private experiences as an observer of the annihilating effect modern feminism had on my partner and his child, but also on the free bleeding and raving women dressed like female genitals, demanding even more of whatever it is they wanted to have. The 'Are Almost All Women Mentally Insane' video immediately started to go viral after A Voice For Men shared it and other MRA pages started to share it. Then I noticed YouTube immediately shadow-banned my video, but the reactions to this video were not at all negative. Many people recognized the things I was talking about, men and even women agreed to most of the things I spoke about. Meanwhile I was starting to receive, 
to my surprise, messages from both men and women all over the world. Women, weirdly enough, applauding my efforts. It's now that I start to

 understand their support, as they absolutely do not want to be associated with the women portrayed in my video, distancing themselves from modern feminism which these women themselves proclaim to be 'a radical misandry-inclined movement of extremists' and expressed their support via e-mail. Then I decided to make a video which briefly explained the reason I started making videos: It was because of what I had seen up close. The majority of the messages were, and are still coming from the men, often cornered by family law, having lost everything which was dear to them and everything they worked for. I made a decision to dedicate my time to address something which I find to be crucial for the betterment of society, something which I can only describe as a plea for equality. A term which I rather wish to avoid, thanks to feminism. If ever my Youtube account gets deleted, my videos will be uploaded on my website as well.


of stories


The many cases of Domestic Violence against women, the global #MeToo stories, all have been well documented because they were all reported in some way. Either via the internet or in the hundreds of thousand police reports. All from women, against men. Obviously, I as well as many others, doubt the majority of those allegations, but because women make the allegation, those stories are heard, believed without proof, shared and the perpetrator is punished. Where are all the hundreds of thousand stories that men have?

Whether it is a Domestic Violence case against a man, or the countless of horrific experiences that men have when it comes to the corrupt Family Law, being falsely accused of rape or Domestic Violence, paternity fraud, falsely accused of child molestation or being victim of coercive control - those stories 
will not be documented the majority of the time. 

Either because men are afraid to go to the police; scared of not being believed, or because they have gone to the police, but are...

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The Brighton Human Equality Treaty 2021 International Human Rights Law, comprising of a series of articles based on data gathered from people contributing from all countries, informing us which laws need to be altered, changed or replaced, renewed or added. Each time an article will be finished, it will be added here as a final proposition to be signed as an online referendum to be directly presented to the governing entities of countries or their political parties, furthermore backed by the

Brighton Audio-visual Database and online data base (Guestbook of Stories and the future Guestbook of Videos).

The Brighton Human Equality Treaty 2021 is primarily focussed on Western society's gender equality laws, protecting the human rights of men, women and children in, although not limited to, family law.

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